NAAJA can offer supervised work experience to students who are currently in year 10, 11 and 12 and are interested in Law.
Work experience placements are subject to our availability and capacity to supervise students. Whilst we will consider all requests, preferences will be given to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students as part of our efforts to address the significant access to justice issues that result in very low Indigenous lawyer and law student numbers.
Students will learn basic administrative skills from support staff in Crime/Civil and reception. They will also get the opportunity to shadow one of our Client Service Officers whilst daily tasks are being completed. Throughout the week we will meet with the Aboriginal Interpreter Service and visit the Children’s Court, Magistrates Court and the Supreme Court where we will watch our NAAJA lawyers in action (open court matters). Lawyers and support staff will be available to answer questions during the placement.
If interested in work experience with NAAJA please express your interest and email us –
Coming soon – What Michaela thought of her experience
- Michael Espie from Taminmin College with Senior Civil Solicitor Matthew Derrig
- Michaela had a go at drafting a Client letter
- Prepping before heading off to NTCAT