Monday 22nd September 2014

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is holding public hearings in Darwin at the Supreme Court commencing 22 September 2014.

The hearings will focus on how children who grew up at the Retta Dixon Home were not protected from child sexual abuse, and what can be done to prevent this happening to other children in the future.

“Having a public hearing in Darwin is a great opportunity for Aboriginal people to tell their stories, as this is a topic that has been silenced for too long;, said NAAJA CEO Priscilla Collins.

“NAAJA is proud to be supporting the work of the Royal Commission by getting the message out to Aboriginal people about this Royal Commission, and putting them in touch with appropriate services. Many Aboriginal people in the NT spent time in institutions such as Retta Dixon and it is crucial that their stories be told”, said Ms Collins.

NAAJA is keen to let people know that it’s not too late to tell their story to the Royal Commission.

“Some people might think that now the public hearing is happening in Darwin, they have missed out on telling their story. But it is not too late, and NAAJA can assist with getting people connected to support and referring them for legal advice”, said Ms Collins.

NAAJA offers information to organisations, groups and community members about the Royal Commission and can support people to get independent legal advice from Knowmore legal service and also link people to services such as Danila Dilba Health Service and Relationships Australia (NT).

For more information please contact NAAJA’s Royal Commission CLE worker: Julie U’Ren on (08) 8982 5136.

For media enquiries please contact: Priscilla Collins on (08) 8982 5124